Subhrajeet Gautam, a young college student, was driven by the monumental dream to bring a day when no child would be deprived of the basic rights be it food, clothing, education, medical security and healthy living environment.
Like most of us, Subhrajeet too was upset observing the disparities between privileged and underprivileged children. He never wanted to see children begging and working as servants.
And unlike most of us, he did something about it and tried to make a difference.
“What I can do, I must do!” These were the words which kept the fire burning within him and since then acting as a constant source of motivation.
He joined the Social Responsibility Club in his college. He visited slums, children in hospitals, held teaching classes for street children, and started a clothes donation movement at a slum the club adopted.
In 2011 Subhrajeet started ‘Umeed: a drop of hope’ with a seed capital of Rs.1500/- i.e. his monthly pocket money. He felt the urge that something needs to be done to improve the situation of the underprivileged children. Since inception 80,000+ children have directly benefitted from this initiative. Subhrajeet made relentless efforts provided the necessary things e.g. clothes, food, medicine and other basic things to thousands of people from the under-privileged sections of the society.
Subhrajeet was firmly convinced that each of us can, in our own small way, can bring a difference by being the agents of change. So just imagine the intensity and impact when all of us are moved to this, the better impact would be lasting change. His initiatives help youth inculcate respect, sensitivity and the power of empathising with others. This enables them to be even more valuable and appreciated members of our society who paves way for a much better present as well as future for everyone.
Apart from being the founder of UMEED- A drop of hope, Mr. Subhrajeet Gautam is a mentor to the organisation and a coach to the stakeholders, volunteers, interns and other associates of the organisation. He is relentlessly guiding others and thriving to make a better society bringing lasting impacts.